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Showing posts from September, 2021

Do You Care Much About Your Two Tier Bicycle Rack? Know About It & Its Alternatives!

 You are a bicycles seller, and you need a good way to store the fancy bicycles you own. The way you keep your bicycles is how much you care about your customers. You cannot stack up against your bicycles like trash! You definitely need to decide upon the best way to stack. There are three types of racks from which you can choose Two Tier Bicycle racks It is a simple rack that will not disappoint you. As the name suggests, there are two tiers to it. There is an upper storage level and a lower one. You will need at least 120 inches of space horizontally and 9 inches of overhead clearance.  There is also a bike boost that can help cyclists load the cycle on the upper rack. However, the boost can be a bit expensive. Further, you ought to ensure that the bike stall is some distance apart, so that cycle handles do not overlap. Wall-mounted Bike racks Don’t have horizontal space? No problem! Just like a photo frame, you can now hang your bicycles in the hall. Wall mounted. Bike rack...

Wall Mounted Bike Racks- An Ideal Solution for The Minimal Space

 Cycling and benefits associated with it Cycling is the most excellent way by which you can incorporate exercise into your daily work and also in your daily leisure routine. There are various health benefits associated with cycling. People have now become aware of cycling and the health benefits associated with cycling that’s the reason people are now indulged in this cycling activity.  Parking issue- introduction of bike racks But the major problem that is associated with the cycle is their parking. In many of the houses and apartments, there is minimal space as by which, there is difficulty in the parking of these cycles. To avoid these issues, many cycle companies have now started making bike racks such as Vertical Bike Racks and Floor Mounted Bike Racks .  These bike racks are usually installed on the premises of many cyclist companies to broaden the target demographic to include the people who travel by bike. It would help if you made a wise choice from the variety o...